IF Cans
Transformer 060-389-2 IF Can (ELB3 and BVF9 series), measures 2 1/8 inches tall by 3/4 inches square..
Transformer 06040500 IF Can (ELE2, BVJ1 and BVC2 series), 1 3/4 inches tall by 3/4 inches square.&nb..
Transformer 119-9-12 (24K561567F) IF Can, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer 1655-6 BVFO IF CAN; measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches diameter square (repackaged.)..
Transformer 1655-6 BVKO IF CAN; measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches diameter square (repackaged)..
IF Can Transformer ID 248736673, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer 508-248 IF Can, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square. ..
Miniature transformer 6025 1007 35E8 IF can, measures 1/4 inch tall by 3/8 square...
Transformer 72N10-4 IF Can, measures 1 7/8 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer 72N10-5 IF Can (ELF3) , measures 1 7/8 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
RCA Transformer IF Can (BVBO), measures 1 7/8 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer IF CAN 119-5-42 (50A031), measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer IF CAN 21-432-04 ELB4, measures 2 inches long by 3/4 inches diameter square..
Transformer IF CAN 21-478-04 (EL14), measures 1 3/4 inches tall by 3/4 inches diameter square. ..
Transformer IF CAN 370-P, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches diameter square...
BVAO 21-432-02 IF Can Transformer 455 KC (re-packaged), measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square..
Transformer LT0 38 F 150 A 425418 IF Can, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer RCA 119-4-51 IF Can, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
RCA 122724-8 (489547) IF CAN Transformer; measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Transformer S-1617 IF Can, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches square...
Showing 221 to 240 of 241 (13 Pages)