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J-Tran 33711-JC IF Can Ratio Detector Transformer 4.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inch..
J-Tran 6956-6B IF Can Output Transformer with two mmf diodle filter cap 455 KC, measures 2 inches ta..
Telequipment (J-Tran) IF Can Transformer 4956-6 455 KC, measures 2 1/4 inches tall by 3/4 inche..
K-Tran 1607-2 (EL13) IF CAN Telequipment Input or Output Interstage Transformer 10.7 MC, measures 2 ..
K-Tran 1645-2 ELE5 IF Can Input or Output Interstage Transformer 4.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches t..
K-Tran 1655-11 IF Can Miniature Transformer 262 KC (1655-11 same as 1455-11), measures 2 inches tall..
K-Tran 1655-11 IF Can Transformer 455 KC, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches squareNote: can be us..
K-Tran 1655-3 IF Can Miniature Perm. Tuned Transformer 262 KC, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches ..
K-Tran 1655-5 IF Can Miniature Perm Tuned Transformer 455 KC, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches s..
K-Tran 1744-06 EO IF Can TV Third Transformer 42.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 i..
K-Tran 1744-4 (E0) Telequipment TV Converter or First IF Can Transformer 44 MC, measures 2 inches ta..
K-Tran 1744-7 IF Can TV Fourth Telequipment Transformer 44 MC, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches ..
K-Tran 2607-5 IF Can Ratio Detector Transformer 10.7 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inche..
K-Tran 2645-1 FI IF Can Telequipment Discriminator Transformer 4.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tal..
K-Tran 2645-3 IF Can Ratio Detector Transformer 4.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inches..
K-Tran 2645-7 IF Can Quadrature Transformer Coil 4.5 Mega Cycle, measures 2 inches tall by 3/4 inche..
K-Tran 269-OSC RF Mini Adjustable Oscillator Coil, measures 1 1/4 inches tall by 3/8 inches ro..
K-Tran 270-OSC Adjustable Miniature BC Oscillator Coil 540 KC - 1600 KC, measures 1 1/4 i..
K-Tran 3655-11B IF Can Telequipment Output with Diode Filter Transformer 455 KC, measures 2 inches t..
K-Tran 3655-4B IF Can Telequipment Output with Diode Filter Transformer 262 KC, measures 2 inches ta..
Showing 101 to 120 of 391 (20 Pages)